Rezarta Rushitaj, the Albanian engineer who builds highways in Australia

Rezarta Rushitaj, the Albanian engineer who builds highways in Australia
Rezarta Rushitaj 
 Rezarta Rushitaj has been living in Australia for 20 years and today participates in the country's most important construction projects. She left Albania at the age of 13 and now is one of the most successful engineers in Australia, Diaspora Shqiptare reports.

In the last 10 years of her career, Rezarta has held technical roles in several major public infrastructure projects. She is currently the director of the highways project for Australia and New Zealand.

In addition to realizing major road projects, Rezarta is a great advocate for workplace culture, social responsibility, and diversity. She is an Ambassador for Gender Equality in the Workplace as part of the Australian Government's "women's work" initiative. Rezarta is an active contributor to student-led initiatives as an industry mentor and was declared the winner of the 2020 Career, Passion, and Pathways Award in Australia.
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