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Excerpts from the pretend businessman's conversation with the investigative journalist |
Social networks, thanks to their widespread use, have become the preferred means of communication for deceivers.
Such is the case where a pseudo-manager posted a job announcement in Switzerland. The manager used a large cleaning company in Zurich to contact girls, with the main condition for employment being that they engage in sexual relations with him.
The case was reported by a girl named Lorena, who had experienced it herself. She reveals that she worked in Switzerland as a nanny and came across a job posting for vacant positions in a cleaning company. She contacted the number displayed in the announcement and someone who introduced himself as Mërgim answered the phone. The 35-year-old man, as he presented himself, worked as a manager in this company in Zurich and without hesitation, he asked Lorena for her photos and age as a condition for working at his company. "Have sex with me once a week, set your own salary," were the words written on WhatsApp by the manager.
Lorena expresses her shock at the language used and the job conditions. "He wrote that he would pay for the plane ticket, offer a very high salary," says Lorena, and based on sexual performance, the duration of the employment contract was also determined. The informant also reveals that this person has done the same with her friends who were interested in the job. She claims that none of them accepted, but she wants to report it as a case, as she doesn't want other women to be deceived and the deceiver to be punished.
After the report by the citizen, journalists from Fiks Fare show contacted the person who was deceiving people by seeking employment in the cleaning company. The person offering these jobs introduced himself as Mërgim Osmani from Dibra e Madhe, North Macedonia.
Communication with the person in question took place on social networks, where he had posted the job announcement along with his phone number.
At the beginning of the conversation, the person requests the girl's identity and photo. He responds that he likes her appearance and can immediately buy her a ticket to go to Switzerland. Based on the photo, he offers her a job as his personal secretary in his company. But there is also a condition: "to become mine and work for me." When asked what "mine" means, he replies briefly, "my dear."
The journalist and the person continue the conversation regarding the job conditions and salary. He writes, "I will give you as much salary as you ask," but he again emphasizes the condition of having sex once a week. He continues the conversation, not about the job conditions, but about the ability of the "employee" in bed. And if he likes this ability, he will extend the employment contract and increase the salary.
He writes that as soon as the employee would go to Switzerland, they should go together to a hotel and then discuss the job conditions. In the conversations, he also reveals the work address, which according to him was in Zurich. The journalist also asks for a photo of him, which is different from the one he had sent to Lorena.
The journalists from Fiks Fare continue their investigations online and find several announcements where the same person is looking for babysitters. The workplace is always in Switzerland. Fiks contacts him using a different number and identity. But the person who responds initiates the same conversation. The scheme is the same: he requests photos, and if he likes the physical appearance, he will decide whether to hire them or not.
It was decided to have a video call with the person offering job positions. However, it was noticed that none of the individuals in the photos they had sent to the journalist or the informant matched.
Meanwhile, the girl who reported this person to Fiks Fare had returned to Switzerland, where she works as a nanny for a family. She went to the address of the company that the person claimed was his, but she found neither a company nor a person there. So everything was a deception..