'We will invest in the gas distribution network in Albania'

The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev
 The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev
 "We are in the negotiation phase of investments in the gas distribution network in Albania," said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, speaking at the 4th international conference on "Formation of the Great Eurasian Geopolitics: From the Past to the Present to the Future" organized by ADA University to mark the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in Shusha, Euronews reports.

"Albania is a transit country, but it does not have a gas distribution network. We are planning to invest a considerable amount of money to create this distribution network. I was in Sofia just a few days ago to participate in the inauguration of the Solidarity Ring.

Slovakia is joining the project. So, if we now export to six countries, within a year if everything goes according to plan, without much effort, it could be 10. And this is not the end," emphasized the head of state of Azerbaijan.
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