Asylum requests from Albanians fall, 2510 applications at the beginning of the year, 500 less than in 2022

Asylum requests from Albanians fall, 2510 applications at the beginning of the year, 500 less than in 2022
 The flow of applications for asylum from Albanian citizens in one of the countries of the European Union has marked a significant decrease. In the first 4 months, 2,500 requests were registered, or 500 less than last year, Euronews reports.

Albanians are not seeking to emigrate through asylum. The number of applications to go to one of the countries of the European Union has decreased in the first 4 months of the year by 18%.

So, out of 3,000 requests registered in January-April 2022, 2,510 have been registered this year. France remains the preferred country for asylum seekers to seek protection, with 940 requests in total, or 37% of the total.

After it, comes Germany with 23% of the total applications and Italy with 23%. On a general scale, EUROSTAT updates show that in March, 86,000 citizens from outside the European Union applied for international protection in Europe, and compared to March 2022, there are 6,000 more applications.

Syrians were the largest group of people seeking asylum, followed by nationals from Afghanistan, Venezuela, Colombia and Turkey. Germany, Spain, France and Italy have registered 75% of requests.
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