Eva Buzo recounts the experience after she stopped swimming from Otranto to Vlora

Eva Buzo recounts the experience after she stopped swimming from Otranto to Vlora
 Eva Buzo
 Eva Buzo, of Albanian descent, decided to break a record by swimming from Otranto to Vlora but had to interrupt the challenge due to health reasons. In an interview with Euronews Albania, she talks about her experience.

Eva Buzo, a 35-year-old Albanian woman from Australia, swam for 28 hours from Italy to Vlora. However, health conditions, as a result of difficulties at sea, forced her to stop her challenge just a few miles away from Sazan Island. After spending several hours in the intensive care unit of the Vlora regional hospital, Eva stated in an interview with Euronews that she had won the challenge and spoke about this remarkable experience.

"My grandfather was from Albania, from the city of Berat. I wanted to create a trajectory that would connect me to my roots, and swimming from Italy to Albania was an excellent challenge. The wind conditions were difficult to manage; there were few moments when the wind was in my favor. It was challenging throughout. I would have liked to complete it, but in the end, nobody talked about the fact that I didn't finish; everyone talked about the fact that I attempted it. I swam for 28 hours, and I am satisfied with that," said Eva Buzo.

For her mother, Eva achieved her goal.

"She is a very determined girl but also a very balanced person. I want to say that she is not just a swimmer; she is a lawyer for human rights and an excellent student. Sports are very important; practice them, and it will not stop you from reaching the highest peaks of your goals. I was a little scared, but I felt that she could do it, and I had a lot of confidence in her coaches," said notary Buzo.

In conclusion, Eva has a message: "Do sports, be active, and do things you enjoy, no matter what sport it is."
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