"Russian money in Albania and Serbia, through Viktor Orban's bank"

Portrait of Viktor Orban placed on a background of money (montage)
Portrait of Viktor Orban placed on a background of money (montage)
 The security expert Drizan Shala said in an interview with Euronews Albania that Russian money in Albania and Serbia passes through the Orban bank.

"Viktor Orban and President Vucic also have a connection in terms of money laundering for Russian oligarchs because the protagonist and main owner of the state bank, let's call it a bank that has been privatized in Bosnia, is precisely under the competence and management of Viktor Orban. This bank has started to open its branches in Belgrade, and Russian oligarchs see it as an opportunity to access the Western Balkans through the Budapest line, as an argument that it is a member of the EU and NATO, to pass money and engage in money laundering in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska in Bosnia. So, based on this, we are talking about financial consequences," said Shala.

He described the political megalomania of Edi Rama and Viktor Orban.
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