The Austrian MEP says Serbia plays with two gates, with the EU and Russia

The Austrian MEP says Serbia plays with two gates, with the EU and Russia
 Thomas Waitz (archive)
 Austrian MEP Thomas Waitz was invited to Euronews Albania this Wednesday to discuss the latest developments in the tense situation between Kosovo and Serbia.

He emphasized that the mistake of Prime Minister Albin Kurti was not informing the international community about the actions taken against Serbia.

Furthermore, he highlighted that President Aleksandar Vučić is playing a double game with Russia and the EU, adding that the latter should take measures against Serbia.

According to him, Vučić will not change his strategy regarding actions against Kosovo because tensions are in his interest as a distraction from serious problems in Serbia.

"I see some emotional reasons. The EU is accustomed to having Kosovo as a continuous partner to share our foreign policy. Kosovo has always been on the right side of history. Meanwhile, with Vučić, we are accustomed to him promising something one day and doing something different the next day. We are used to betrayal from Vučić. However, we are surprised that Prime Minister Kurti did not inform the allies about his actions. We did not expect this from Kurti. I openly say that Kurti's move was a political mistake.

I personally believe that the EU should consider and take measures against Serbia, not only for its actions towards Kosovo but also for its proximity to Russia, as it is playing a double game between the EU and Russia. I have the impression that Vučić is not interested in a true resolution. He sees the problem with Kosovo as a burning problem to keep his people away from the serious problems Serbia is facing. He holds a strong position within the country. I don't think Vučić will change his strategy," he said.
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