Corridor VIII in discussed in Brindisi Summit by respective countries

From the left: Bujar Osmani, Olta Xhaçka, Antonio Tajani and Maria Gabriel
 From the left: Bujar Osmani, Olta Xhaçka, Antonio Tajani and Maria Gabriel 
 Italy, Albania, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria came together today in Brindisi to hold a summit focused on Corridor VIII.

The summit, which took place at the historic "Federiciano" castle, was led by Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani. Also in attendance were Olta Xhaçka, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Bujar Osmani, the Macedonian Foreign Minister, and Maria Gabriel, the Bulgarian Foreign Minister.

The main objective of the summit was to rejuvenate Corridor VIII, an integrated multimodal infrastructure within the European strategic transport network (TEN-T), designed to connect the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea.

The discussions during the summit encompassed various topics, including the conflict in Ukraine, the Western Balkans, migration issues, and the importance of involving local communities and youth. These factors were identified as crucial for building trust within Balkan civil society and advancing the integration perspectives of the region's countries into the European Union.

After the plenary session on integration and cooperation in the 1+4 format, the foreign ministers held a joint press conference.

Tajani stated that the collaboration and enhanced integration along Corridor VIII with Albania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia would set an example for regional cooperation in the Balkans. He emphasized Italy's strategic interest in the Western Balkans, expressing the country's significant investments in the region, making Italy a leading player.

During the summit, Tajani and the other foreign ministers also visited the Italian Navy's ship "San Giorgio," as well as the United Nations Global Service Center and the Humanitarian Support Center in Brindisi. Italy plans to continue investing in the UN base due to its positive impact on the local economy through its stimulated activities.
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