Doctors amputate one of the Hungarian KFOR soldiers who was wounded in Kosovo, another commits suicide

Injured Hungarian soldier being transported by Austrian comrades
 Injured Hungarian soldier being transported by Austrian comrades in Kosovo
 The situation in northern Kosovo escalated into physical clashes between local Serbs and KFOR personnel, who were deployed near the municipal buildings in Zvečan, Zubin Potok, and Leposavić following the assumption of office by their new leaders.

Several hundred Serbs gathered today in front of the municipal buildings and demanded the withdrawal of the Kosovo Police and the newly elected Albanian mayors, local media reports.

They attacked KFOR soldiers with Molotov cocktails, rocks, and other flammable materials, and even set fire to one of the mission's vehicles, on which the symbol 'Z' was earlier written, which is also a symbol used by Russians in Ukraine.

The police had to use tear gas in Zvečan to stop the protesters who attempted to forcefully enter the premises of the municipality.

As a result of the escalating tensions during the demonstration, according to KFOR, 25 members from the multinational contingent were injured.

"This afternoon, KFOR units were deployed in the 4 municipalities in northern Kosovo with the aim of containing the violent demonstrations that occurred after the newly elected mayors attempted to assume office.

In confronting the most active elements of the crowd, several soldiers from the Italian and Hungarian contingents of KFOR were subjected to unprovoked attacks and sustained injuries from fractures and burns caused by the explosion of incendiary devices.

Promptly treated by the medical units of KFOR, they are currently under observation by medical personnel who are assessing their condition," the Twitter post said.

Meanwhile, it is reported that the commander of the KFOR mission, Division General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, is personally monitoring the situation and expresses his condolences to the injured men and women of the mission during the clashes.

"He stressed that unprovoked attacks on NATO units are unacceptable, and KFOR will continue to fulfill its mandate in an impartial manner," the statement said.

On the other hand, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has announced that 11 Italian NATO soldiers were injured in clashes in Zvečan with protesters, and three of them are in serious condition but out of life-threatening danger.

"I want to express my solidarity with the soldiers of the KFOR mission who were injured in Kosovo during clashes between Serbian protesters and the Kosovo police. Among them are 11 Italians, three of whom are in serious condition but out of life-threatening danger. The Italian army continues to be engaged for peace," Tajani wrote on Twitter.

American Ambassador Jeff Hovenier, as well as British Ambassador Nicholas Abbott, have also condemned the attacks on the Kosovo Police, NATO forces, and journalists that took place on Monday afternoon in the northern municipalities.

Hovenier, calling for an end to actions that fuel tensions, said that KFOR is there to maintain peace.

"The United States strongly condemns the violent actions of the protesters today in Zvečan, including the use of explosives against KFOR troops who are seeking to maintain peace. We reiterate our call for an immediate cessation of violence or actions that ignite tensions or incite conflict," Hovenier wrote.

Meanwhile, Abbott expressed that attacks on KFOR personnel are criminal.

"Attacks on KFOR personnel and journalists are criminal and unacceptable. As the QUINT has made exceptionally clear, immediate action must be taken to de-escalate and reduce tensions," Abbott stated..
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