Here are the tips you should have from the Head of the Albanian National Emergency Skënder Brataj regarding sore throats

Brataj at a local TV
 Brataj at a local TV
While being invited in a local TV,  the Chief of the National Emergency, Skënder Brataj gives some recommendations.

This is the best way to soothe the throat: If a person has a sore throat, it is advised to use 'propolis spray' or 'brufen' (400-600 milligrams) at least for three days, two to three times a day after meals.

If the temperature doesn't decrease, we should use warm water compresses on the forehead, neck, and temples to lower the internal body temperature. This can have a faster effect.

If citizens have diarrhea, they should use 'Loperamide' or 'Fustopak.' If they have two or three bowel movements, then citizens should take 2 tablets of 'Loperamide' initially, followed by one tablet. If they have vomiting, citizens should take 'Reglan' or 'Demoprazole.'

These are quick and simple tips that you can do at your home.

Take care of your life and the lives of your family.".
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