'Most of the convicts in Albania are victims; wages are not enough to live on'

'Shumica e të dënuarve në Shqipëri janë viktima; rrogat nuk mjaftojnë për të jetuar'
 Jurist Erbi Ago stated on "Good Morning Albanians" that the majority percentage of prisoners in Albania are victims. He said that many of them have turned to a life of crime to survive because the minimum wage in Albania does not provide a decent living.

"A large percentage of prisoners in Albania have nothing to do with corruption. Corruption indicates that you have been part of the state and abused your duty.

Here, I speak from an economic and socio-political perspective and would personally call the majority of Albanian prisoners victims. They have chosen to turn to a life of crime for survival or higher income," said Jurist Erbi Ago.

As of my last update in September 2021, salaries in Albania have been a topic of concern for many citizens. While the country has experienced some economic growth and improvements, the average wages in Albania have remained relatively low compared to other European and Balcan countries.

The minimum wage in Albania was increased gradually in recent years to improve the standard of living for workers. However, it has still been a challenge for many people to make ends meet with the minimum wage alone. This issue has led to significant emigration, as some individuals seek better job opportunities and higher incomes abroad.

On the other hand, skilled professionals and those working in certain sectors such as technology, finance, and international organizations might earn relatively higher salaries in Albania. However, there is often a considerable disparity between the salaries of those working in the private and public sectors.

Efforts have been made to address this wage gap and improve the overall economic situation in Albania. The government has been working to attract foreign investments and foster an environment conducive to business growth, which could potentially lead to higher-paying job opportunities for Albanian citizens.

It's essential to note that economic conditions and salary trends might have evolved beyond my last update. Therefore, for the most current information on salaries in Albania, it is best to refer to recent official reports or consult reputable sources on the subject.
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