Albanians were the "Noble Nation" in the Ottoman Empire

Albanians were the "noble nation" in the Ottoman Empire
 Many of us have heard or have been present when Albanians are called "arnaut." But few are those who know the meaning and history of this word, and there are even some who misunderstand it or take it as an insult.

"Out of the 27 nations that lived in the Ottoman Empire, at the top of the hierarchy and with the highest status (standing above the Turks and others) were the Albanians, as Albanian media reports.

They were called the "nexhip" nation, which means the "noble" nation. This position and status are still held by Albanians in Turkey today. Albanians can be found everywhere in Turkish life, especially in leadership and commanding positions such as in the state apparatus, the military, the police, the economy, industry and trade, education and culture, and they enjoy the respect of the entire population. To mention the name Albanian in Turkey, as in the past and today, is like mentioning a distinguished and respected name with the best reputation that can be. During the time of Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, the conquest of Istanbul was achieved, but it took the Ottoman Empire 50 days of siege.

The Ottoman Empire, composed of many subjects - Albanians, Bosniaks, Turks, etc. - suffered great losses. Around the 30-35th day of the siege, the generals proposed to the Sultan to withdraw. An Albanian general, Zognush Pasha, goes in front of the Sultan and says: I have come from Albania only for two roads, either victory or the capture of Istanbul. Since that day, battles have continued until the 50th day when they take Istanbul. The epithet that the Ottoman Empire bestowed upon the Albanians means irremovable, which is an honor because Albanians are valued as brave, unconquered, and loyal.
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