Durrës, the port of luxury yachts | Only 1 yacht pays 861,195 euros for 8 hours

Durrës, the port of luxury yachts | Only 1 yacht pays 861,195 euros for 8 hours
 Durrës Port
 In addition to the high number of tourists, Durrës has also been populated by numerous luxury yachts this summer. The anchoring of yachts in Durrës brings additional revenue to tourism.

"Until August 20th, over 40 mega yachts have visited the port of Durrës. The yacht season begins in April and continues until the end of October, but depending on the weather, it might even extend into the first days of November," expressed Taulant Allka, Captain of the port of Durrës, Euronews reports.

 Invoice data for the stay of a yacht in the port of Durrës for 8 hours
The main portion of expenses for yachts in Durrës is related to fuel.

From the luxurious yacht of the Vice President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mansour, to that of oligarch Patokh Chodiev, some return to Albania for the tenth time while others are visitors for the first time.

"For the first time, Sheikh Mansour's A+ yacht, owner of Manchester City, visited Albania. It was his first time visiting Albania, and he was very pleased because everything was accomplished in record time. Around 800,000 liters of fuel supply, crew change, various services, and food supplies, were all realized in just 8 hours. The Port Authority of Durrës has created a special base for smaller yachts, which has extended their stay. So, they don't just come for refueling or a one-night stay, but they have stayed for several days," Allka stated.
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