Fruits and vegetables are putting a strain on the wallets of citizens in Albania, with prices being 21% higher in July

Table showing the prices of some vegetables in August 2022 and August 2023, showing an increase of about 40%
 Table showing the prices of some vegetables in August 2022 and August 2023, showing an increase of about 40%
 The summer season coincides with the Albanian local produce entering the market. Despite the annual phenomenon of prices decreasing significantly, this factor has not been reflected adequately according to citizens and traders who express that prices are still high for fruits and vegetables.

Beyond the descending trajectory of inflation, food prices, especially vegetables, and potatoes, are not experiencing a decline, further burdening citizens' wallets during this period of the year, A2 CNN reports.

"Everything is expensive. In summer when production peaks, seeing tomatoes at 150 lekë while we only receive a pension of 200,000 lekë, is unaffordable," says one citizen.

"With only pensions, we scrape by and save a bit to fill our stomachs. We eat twice a day. Prices are up, but we manage," declares another.

For a family, 1000 lekë is not enough to purchase food products for a day.

"It's difficult; you can hardly afford to buy fruits, tomatoes, but tomatoes at 140-150 lekë at this point should be cheaper," adds another.

Citizens say the prices of local produce are excessively high, almost equivalent to imported ones.

"Especially peppers, more are coming from Macedonia, Bulgaria; it's rare to find local produce," another citizen continues.

A year ago, some of the main products were priced lower. Specifically, 1 kg of tomatoes ranged from 80-100 lekë; now, it's sold for 100-160 lekë. Potatoes, a staple on our tables, are being sold for 20 lekë more, reaching even 85 lekë. Onions, according to traders, have doubled in price, around 120 lekë.

Turning to fruits, these products have seen an increase of 50 to 100 lekë more in August compared to a year ago. This rise is most noticeable with apples, grapes, and pears.
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