Meloni pays the bill of the Italians who left the restaurant in Berat without paying

Giorgia Meloni and the Italians leaving the restaurant
 Giorgia Meloni and the Italians leaving the restaurant
 Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who recently joined Italians spending their summer in Albania this year, paid the bill for her fellow countrymen who left a restaurant in Berat without settling the bill, Italian media report.

"With the recommendation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, we proceeded to settle the outstanding unpaid bill by a group of Italian tourists at a restaurant in the city of Berat," says the note published by the Embassy in Tirana. The Italians - the press release continues - respect the rules and settle their debts, and we hope that episodes of this kind will not be repeated.

The Embassy also clarifies that "the payment has been settled with Prime Minister Meloni's personal funds through the Embassy, which was limited to the physical execution of the payment."
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