Tragedy in the waters of Baia Verde: 19-year-old Albanian tourist drowned

Italian ambulance (archive)
 Italian ambulance (archive)
 A relaxing Sunday by the sea turns into a tragedy: a 19-year-old of Albanian origin, Anxhelo Cara, hailing from the province of Bari and residing in Altamura, has tragically drowned in recent hours while spending a leisurely day at Baia Verde, in the vicinity of Gallipoli, near the Zen beach, Italian media report.

At the moment, the reasons leading to the young man's death are not clear. According to initial, summary information, the tragedy occurred around 11 AM when the young man, likely attempting to assist his girlfriend who was swimming and facing difficulties due to the sea currents, found himself caught in the undertow in the Ionian waters. He was unable to regain his bearings to reach the shore.

Rescue efforts were immediately initiated, with the Coast Guard from the Port Authority dispatched to the scene. Meanwhile, the staff at the Zen beach were focused on retrieving the unconscious young man and bringing him back to the shore. Medical personnel from the emergency services (118) arrived on the scene to perform the necessary resuscitation maneuvers. Despite more than an hour and a half of intervention, the desired outcome was not achieved, and unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for the young man.

Carabinieri were also present at the scene of the incident, along with Coast Guard personnel, for investigation and reconstruction of the events. Just yesterday, another potential tragedy was averted with the incident involving two young men who were stranded on a rock due to the undertow preventing their return to the shore. Unlike today's events, their misadventure ended on a positive note, thanks to the intervention of the Coast Guard.
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