4 tourists are arrested with cannabis in Kakavija

 The border police in Kakavija (Albanian-Greece) have identified two separate cases of foreign nationals attempting to traffic narcotics out of the Republic of Albania.

Four individuals have been arrested, and a quantity of cannabis in the form of chocolate and plants, 2 electronic scales, and 2 vehicles used by the detainees were seized.

The police report that the following individuals were arrested:

4 tourists are arrested with cannabis in Kakavija
S. H., 25 years old, residing in Switzerland, I. D., 23 years old, residing in Israel, and R. A., 23 years old, residing in Israel, as during the second-line checks, physical and in the vehicle these individuals were traveling in, a quantity of cannabis sativa narcotic substance in the form of chocolate and 2 electronic scales were found;

D. P., 24 years old, residing in Croatia, as during the second-line checks, physical and in the vehicle driven by this individual, a quantity of cannabis sativa narcotic substance was found.

The procedural materials against them were handed over to the Prosecutor's Office at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction in Gjirokastër for further action on the criminal offense of "Drug Trafficking."
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