Alban Tushe, the Greek police publish the photo and identity of the Albanian accused of 20 thefts

 Alban Tushe, source: Greek Police
 The Greek police have made public the identity and photo of a 25-year-old Albanian man arrested as the perpetrator of several thefts in Greece.

According to the Greek police, the Albanian identified as Alban Tushe, originally from Lushnja, was arrested on October 3 and is accused of 20 thefts committed in the Pikermiou area and neighboring neighborhoods in Athens.

Alban Tushe in the police district in Greece measuring the length
 Alban Tushe in the police district in Greece measuring the length
Tushe is accused of acting with other individuals from May to August 2023, primarily stealing from residences in the afternoon hours when residents were absent. According to the police, they also damaged telephone lines to avoid triggering alarms during the thefts. In addition to the 20 residential thefts, the group has been confirmed to have stolen license plates from a vehicle.

Money, watches, phones and valuables stolen from Gezim Tushe
 Money, watches, phones and valuables stolen from Gezim Tushe
During the personal and home search, Klement Tushe had a quantity of gold seized, 19 wristwatches, 7 mobile phones, 9 SIM cards, 2 knives, 1 laptop, a crowbar, 0.66 grams of "cannabis sativa," 200 euros, 1 vehicle, 1 electric shocker, and 1 cap.
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