Albania-Czech Republic in Tirana, 2300 police officers are deployed for the match

Drone photo from above the Air Albania stadium shortly before the start of the Albania-Czech Republic match
 Drone photo from above the Air Albania stadium shortly before the start of the Albania-Czech Republic match
 There are 2,300 police officers who will be deployed in Tirana today for the organization of the Albania-Czech Republic match. This is the largest number ever mobilized by the police for a football match.

In an interview with ABC News, the director of the Tirana police, Tonin Vocaj, explained the strategy that the state police will use to ensure the security of this important event for the Albanian National Team.

"It is the largest number of police forces ever deployed. 2,300 police officers will be involved," Vocaj added.

Vocaj called on the fans to exercise self-restraint. The Director of the Tirana Police recalls that pyrotechnic devices and other strong items will be prohibited in the stadium, and anyone caught with them during the inspection will be taken to the police station.

"We have a detailed plan to control every individual and prevent prohibited items. We will constantly monitor with cameras in the stadium, and every corner of the stadium will be watched. Any citizen caught by the police will be taken to the police station and will undergo legal proceedings," he emphasized.

Director Vocaj also talked about the investigations and measures taken against ticket counterfeiting for today's match.

"We have identified cases. They have been advertised on social networks. We have specific investigations that we hope to finalize regarding ticket counterfeiting," he said.

Vocaj emphasized that the State Police has also had a meeting with their Czech counterparts. Based on the information received about Czech fans, hooligan groups known as "hooligans" are not expected to come to Tirana.
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