Albanian father takes his daughter out of the "Grande Fratello Italy"! He criticized her for liking an actor 20 years older

From the left: Heidi Baçi, her father Genti Baçi and Massimiliano Varrese at Big Brother Italy
 From the left: Heidi Baçi, her father Genti Baçi, and Massimiliano Varrese at Big Brother Italy
 The adventure of the 26-year-old Albanian, Heidi Baçi, in 'Big Brother Italy' has come to an end. The young entrepreneur, who was one of the favorites of this season, has left the show, making the decision in the late hours of Tuesday, after meeting her father in the evening's episode.

Her father expressed his disappointment to his daughter, as well as the family's disappointment, over her relationship with the contestant Massimiliano Varrese, who was 21 years older.

"I feel devastated, Mom won't see you anymore! He is a man as old as me, who will soon retire! I don't know you anymore. I will not allow anyone to trample on my daughter's dignity and make your mother feel bad. I promised her that I would take you home tonight," were the words of Genti, Heidi's father, which he told his daughter during the show.

They both embraced emotionally, and the girl tells him that she has already ended her relationship with Massimiliano.

The latter said that 'Heidi is afraid of her father.' Heidi also had a final confrontation with the 47-year-old actor, Massimiliano.

"After such serious accusations, it is better to remain silent. Now I understand who you were afraid of, Heidi, and it's not me," the actor told her, implying that the girl is very afraid of her father. The girl replied that she is not afraid of her father's judgment, but the public is not convinced by her words.

The case seemed to end like this, but as soon as she returned to the other residents, Heidi burst into tears.

"I made a mess. I have to leave, Mom is sick. I'm worried about her," the girl said through tears.

"I want to leave the show. If my mother doesn't see me anymore, it means she's very sick," she repeated to Alfonso Signorini.

To reassure her, he promised to put her in touch with her mother as soon as possible. Despite the comforting words, during the night, the 27-year-old Albanian decided to leave the "Big Brother" house.
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