Albanian policeman Anton Cena is European champion for the fourth time

Anton Cena showing the medals won at the IX European Police And Fire Games
 Anton Cena showing the medals won at the IX European Police And Fire Games
 Anton Cena continues to promote the sport of judo while representing the Kosovo Police in an exemplary manner. This time, Cena has not brought just one but three medals to the Kosovo Police from Spain.

In Torrevieja, Spain, the competitions in martial arts disciplines at the 11th Games for Police, Customs, and Firefighters have concluded this Monday.

Cena, who is also an active police officer in the Kosovo Police, has once again earned the title of European Champion.

Apart from his achievements in judo, Cena also excelled in the "Brazilian Ju-Jitsu" discipline, wearing a judogi.

So, the four-time European champion, Anton Cena, has brought three medals to the Republic of Kosovo and the Kosovo Police: two gold and one silver.

Tomorrow, the police officer Anton Cena is expected to compete in the 2000m open water swimming discipline, and he has received congratulations from the Kosovo Police.

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