Croatian journalist Velimir Bujanec performs the Albanian symbol of the double-headed eagle

Velimir Bujanec performs the Albanian symbol of the double-headed eagle
Velimir Bujanec performs the Albanian symbol of the double-headed eagle
  The Croatian journalist, Velimir Bujanec, who also hosts the show "Bujica," dedicated his Friday episode to the developments in Kosovo and the September 24th attack.

During the show, Bujanec displayed the Albanian flag and greeted the Special Units of the Kosovo Police, Hashim Thaçi, Ramush Haradinaj, and Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

"Brothers with brothers, Albanians with Croats," Bujanec said.

His guest on the show was Tom Kaçinari, who also gifted him a bottle of "Gjergj Kastrioti-Skënderbeu" brandy.

Kaçinari claimed that Vučić organized the September 24th attack and, according to him, the Serbian president is also investing dirty money in Croatia.

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