Farmer Alban Çakalli says that beans are not being cultivated in Albania, they are being imported

the map of albania showing food production
 Map of Albania showing the production of food products
 A few days ago, the farmer Alban Çakalli made a very special map showing the areas of Albania where more vegetables or certain fruits are grown. Livestock is not left behind, which is also included in this map.

The map has had a lot of impact, has been widely shared on social networks and has received many comments and suggestions from citizens living in different areas of the country.

"In an interview for the show GoogMorning Albanians in Euroneës Albania, he raised the concern that beans, one of the important foods in Albanian families, are no longer cultivated in the country.

"These days I saw the price of beans, it was very high. We had very little cultivation, after 2-3 years we will remove the beans from the map, the price has gone over 350-4500 lek per kg. The bean was cultivated in Myzeqe, Shkodër, Dibër, Korçë, where its cultivation has been a thousand-year tradition", said the farmer.
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