Fatlum Murçaj, the internationally wanted Albanian arrested in Shkodër with the intention of extradition to Italy

Fatlum Murçaj in the middle while accompanied by two special officers
 Fatlum Murçaj in the middle while accompanied by two special officers
 "Fast Albania" in collaboration with the Local Directorate of Police in Shkodër, as part of the operation codenamed "Part of," has captured and temporarily arrested for the purpose of extradition to the state of Italy, the internationally wanted citizen Fatlum Murçaj, 32 years old, resident of the village of Bajzë in the Malsia e Madhe region. local media report.

Murçaj is accused by the Italian authorities as a member of a criminal organization involved in drug trafficking.

He had been internationally wanted after the Milan Court had ordered the precautionary measure of "Arrest with imprisonment" for the criminal offense of "Criminal organization for drug trafficking."

According to the Italian Penal Code, the 32-year-old is liable to a sentence of up to 20 years in prison for this offense.

Police statement:

FAST Albania/Intensive cooperation with partners for the localization, capture, and extradition of internationally wanted citizens.

The police operation codenamed "Part of" is finalized in Shkodër.

Accused by the Italian authorities as a member of a criminal organization for drug trafficking, the 32-year-old internationally wanted individual is captured and arrested for the purpose of extradition.

After the exchange of information between Interpol Tirana and Interpol Rome regarding the whereabouts of an internationally wanted citizen, on behalf of Italy, the specialized unit services of FAST Albania, in cooperation with the services of the Local Directorate of Police in Shkodër, organized and finalized the police operation codenamed "Part of."

As a result of the operation, he was located in the "Ndoc Mazi" neighborhood in Shkodër and was temporarily arrested for the purpose of extradition, the 32-year-old internationally wanted individual.

The 32-year-old had been internationally wanted after the Milan Court had ordered the precautionary measure of "Arrest with imprisonment" for the criminal offense "Criminal organization for drug trafficking," according to the Italian Penal Code, which stipulates a sentence of up to 20 years in prison for this offense.

Interpol Tirana continues to collaborate with Italian partners for the extradition of the citizen.
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