"History of Albanians During the 20th Century" is published in Tirana

Researchers and historians in Tirana talking about the recently published volume "History of Albanians During the 20th Century"
 Researchers and historians in Tirana talking about the recently published volume "History of Albanians During the 20th Century"
 The Institute of History at the Academy of Albanological Studies inaugurated the publication of the five-volume work, "The History of Albanians during the 20th Century," today.

For several years, 46 researchers from Tirana, Prishtina, Tetova, and the diaspora have worked on this publication.

President Bajram Begaj attended the historians' gathering and emphasized that history provides us with lessons to construct the present and the future while avoiding the repetition of past mistakes.

Mr. Begaj stated that besides shaping the identity of the Albanian people, history offers numerous lessons for its present, ensuring that the errors of the past are not repeated during future development.

President Begaj underscored the importance of writing history without bias, based on comprehensive facts, especially regarding the latter half of the 20th century.

"History of Albanians During the 20th Century" is published in Tirana
"We passed through one of the darkest periods, where not only history was distorted but also the spirit of the Albanians. Zef Pllumbi once wrote in his book 'Rrno vetëm për me tregue' that we should not forget what happened, nor minimize it by relativizing the wrongs. We must ensure that such a past is not repeated; thus, memory is crucial," said President Begaj.

Historians emphasized that the challenge was to systematically and professionally study the history of the 20th century, which had been significantly distorted by political interference and the ideology of the communist regime.

This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the developments in the past century, said Professor Beqir Meta, marking a complete departure from the previous historiography inherited from the communist regime. The study encompasses all phases, including early 20th-century nationalism, Independence, the 1920s, the Kingdom, World War II, the communist regime, its fall, and the transition to democracy. Kosovo is an integral part of this study.

"Especially for Kosovo, events, factors, and actors have been analyzed thoroughly, including the Kosovo Committee, which has been analyzed in relation to the Albanian state, as never before. Similarly, events in Kosovo during World War II, the state administration established there, and the educational system created there, the protection of the civilian population from nationalist forces in a difficult situation, the reoccupation of Kosovo, and its consequences are included in the fifth volume," said researcher Meta.

Speakers stressed that Albania's European future is based on the best values of the Albanians. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly investigate and bring historical truths to light.

Afrim Krasniqi, the researcher and director of the Institute of History at the Academy of Albanological Studies, stated that the book is a product of complete academic freedom. The authors have delivered a publication with exceptional scientific value, leaving aside political attempts to influence historiography.

"The publication we are presenting does not constitute or impose an official history of Albania. There cannot be an official history of Albania. Perhaps, and certainly, there will be other publications in the future. However, it is a scientific product, and science is always open to debate, arguments, and new reference sources, alternative approaches. This is beneficial for history in an open society," Mr. Krasniqi explained.

The authors of the publication "The History of Albanians during the 20th Century" include numerous researchers from Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and the diaspora.

Speakers emphasized that they worked diligently and professionally for several years, using a plethora of archival sources from Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia, North Macedonia, the United States, Italy, Britain, France, alongside Albania's own documentary archives that had remained sealed and unexploited during the communist regime.
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