Israel's ambassador to the UN thanks Pristina and Tirana for their support

Israel's ambassador to the UN thanks Pristina and Tirana for their support
 Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar
 The square in front of the United Nations headquarters, once a "trodden land" during the time when Kosovo was a "burned land" by the Serbian occupier, has seen over 100 protests by the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo against massacres, crimes, and discrimination. However, after Kosovo's independence, it seems that this square is now left to Palestinians, Israelis, and other nations to protest against crimes, massacres, regimes, and human rights violations in different countries worldwide, writes the Swiss newspaper in Albanian, Le

Under the organization of the Switzerland-Israel Association, a symbolic demonstration for the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas was held in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva. Israel's ambassador to the UN, Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar, attended the event.

Speaking to the Swiss newspaper in Albanian, "Le," she mentioned that no day passes in Geneva without people reminding the International Committee of the Red Cross and the United Nations of their duty to act for the release of the 239 Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

When asked about the situation in Kosovo, she assessed that the relations between Kosovo and Israel are good and expressed that the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should continue in favor of peace and stability in the region.

Regarding recent developments in the Middle East and the conflict between Israel and Hamas, she thanked various countries around the world, emphasizing the solidarity with Israel expressed in many nations, including today's symbolic protest in Geneva for the release of 239 hostages.

The Israeli ambassador to the UN, while speaking about the support of nations, expressed her gratitude for the solidarity of the authorities and the people of Albania in Kosovo and Albania.

"We cannot forget history. If we go back a few decades, during World War II, if we remember the hospitality and sheltering of Jews by the Albanians in Kosovo and Albania, we are grateful for this hospitality, which we will never forget. Therefore, we wholeheartedly thank the Albanian people for their generosity towards our brothers and sisters back then. At the same time, besides the people, we also thank the governments of Kosovo and Albania for their support and solidarity with us today in these difficult times," said Israel's ambassador to the UN, Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar, to the Swiss newspaper in Albanian.
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