Movement for the Voluntary Abandonment of the Islamic Faith is founded in Kosovo

Members of the Movement for the Voluntary Abandonment of the Islamic Faith while expressing their ideas
 Members of the Movement for the Voluntary Abandonment of the Islamic Faith while expressing their ideas
 Kosovo journalist Zeqir Mehmetaj writes that an initiating council has been formed for the establishment of the so-called "Movement for the Voluntary Abandonment of the Islamic Faith," with the motto "Let's be only Albanian."

"Last night in Deçan, in the late afternoon hours, the Initiating Council for the formation of the Movement for Voluntary Abandonment of the Islamic Faith (with the motto: Let's be only Albanian) was formed. There were personalities from various fields from almost all of Kosovo. Soon you will have the full chronicle, while in today's morning program, we will have some brief statements from some of the participants," Mehmetaj wrote.

Meanwhile, in the video, participants express their opinions converging on the departure from the Muslim faith:

"We have finished with the Islamic faith, we are no longer heading in this direction, we need to cut ties with it."

"A movement should be created that attacks our national values."

"I have no affiliation either with the Muslim faith or with the Christian faith."

"We are moving towards the idea that the religion of Albanians is Albanian," says one.

"I will abandon Catholicism and will transition to Balkanism. We have built our nation on Balkanism."

"After the '90s, all the mosques are political."
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