Pro-Russian and Pro-Serbian Parliament Leader Elected in Montenegro with Albanian Support

Mr. Andrija Mandić in a public speech (archive),
 Mr. Andrija Mandić in a public speech (archive)
On Monday, the Montenegrin Parliament elected Mr. Andrija Mandić as its new leader, a former political leader of a pro-Serbian and pro-Russian coalition in Montenegro.

The United States and the European Union openly opposed the election of Mr. Mandić, characterizing him as an opponent of the country's pro-Western orientation.

Numerous citizens took to the streets of Podgorica in a protest organized by the Free Citizens Forum.

Protest in Potgorica for the election of Andrija Mandić as head of the Montenegrin parliament
 Protest in Podgorica for the election of Andrija Mandić as head of the Montenegrin parliament
Mr. Mandić's election to the helm of the Montenegrin Parliament was made possible by the votes of 49 members of the new parliamentary majority - his party, the Democratic Front, Democratic Party members, the Socialist People's Party, and two Albanian coalitions, the Albanian Alternative, and the Albanian Forum, VOA reports.

Members of the Democratic Party of Socialists, the party of former President Milo Đukanović, which is now in the opposition, abstained from voting.

Mr. Mandić was proposed for this position based on a political agreement that will enable Mr. Milojko Spajić to assume the presidency. According to this agreement, the former Democratic Front, which unites pro-Serbian and pro-Russian parties in Montenegro, will hold the position of Parliament Speaker and be part of the next government.

In return, members of this party will support Mr. Spajić's minority government. The formation of Montenegro's 44th government is expected to take place during Monday's parliamentary session.

Mr. Milojko Spajić places particular importance on regional cooperation and Euro-Atlantic integration in his government program.

"The government will continue to strengthen good neighborly relations and regional cooperation, respecting primarily its national interests, but also recognizing the numerous economic, historical, and cultural ties with neighboring countries. In view of the ongoing growth of security threats and risks, implementing NATO's goals and concepts and participating in international peacekeeping missions, training, and other alliance activities will be at the top of the priorities of the Ministry of Defense," stated Mr. Spajić.

Mr. Milojko Spajić's government is the third to take office since the parliamentary elections in 2020 when, after three decades, the Democratic Party of Socialists was replaced.

Montenegro was considered a leading country in the process of European Union integration in the region and had opened all chapters in the accession negotiations. However, as a result of the political and institutional crisis, there has been no intergovernmental conference since December 2021, due to insufficient progress in the necessary reforms for the accession process.
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