Raising Hope for Lake Ohrid: Successful Reintroduction of Koran Trout

A koran fish on a plate on some green salad leaves and some ice cubes
 A koran fish on a plate on some green salad leaves and some ice cubes
 In recent years, efforts by the Pogradec Fishing Directorate in Albania have brought a glimmer of hope to the conservation of the Koran trout in Lake Ohrid. This once endangered species has shown signs of resurgence, thanks to the dedicated initiatives taken to preserve its population. These efforts have effectively reversed a decline that threatened the species just five years ago, local media say.

Central to the recovery strategy has been the introduction of young Koran trout into Lake Ohrid. This deliberate breeding and release program has played a pivotal role in revitalizing the species, allowing it to make a remarkable comeback. By releasing young trout into the lake, authorities aim to replenish the population and ensure the species' survival.

These conservation efforts have been complemented by initiatives to regulate fishing activities around Lake Ohrid. The local Fishing Directorate has recorded all fishermen active in the region and has worked on training them to adopt more sustainable fishing practices. This step not only safeguards the environment but also ensures the long-term viability of the fishing industry in the area.

However, while the Albanian side has made commendable strides in protecting the Koran trout, concerns have arisen from across the border in North Macedonia. Reports indicate that the Macedonian authorities have failed to take similar steps in the conservation of this precious species. Not only have they refrained from reintroducing young trout into the lake, but they also continue to employ unsustainable fishing practices.

The Pogradec Fishing Directorate remains undeterred by these challenges and is committed to advancing their conservation efforts. One of their upcoming projects involves the introduction of young Koran trout, a species of salmonid fish, into Lake Ohrid. This endeavor, which has not been carried out for over five years, is expected to further boost the ongoing revival of the species in the lake.

The successful restoration of the Koran trout population in Lake Ohrid serves as an inspiring example of how dedicated conservation efforts can make a significant difference. While the local authorities have paved the way for the resurgence of this precious species, continued collaboration with international counterparts and the conservation community is essential to ensure the long-term survival of the Koran trout in Lake Ohrid. These combined efforts stand as a testament to the importance of preserving the rich biodiversity of Lake Ohrid and its surrounding ecosystem for generations to come.
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