Rajmonda Dashi, the Former Director of Durrës Mortgage Arrested as Belgium's Influence Reaches Albania

SPAK and Rajmonda Dashi circled in red, montage, ocnal.com
 SPAK and Rajmonda Dashi circled in red (montage)
 In Albania, the former director of Durrës Mortgage, Rajmonda Dashi, has been placed under house arrest, while businessman Ardian Malasi has been arrested by order of the Special Prosecution, as they are suspected to have been collaborators with Albanian brothers Besjan and Leonard Rama, who have been convicted by Belgian authorities for drug trafficking. Acts transmitted from Belgium have spurred investigations in Albania, carried out by the National Investigation Bureau and the police, VOA reports.

According to the Special Prosecution, the two brothers, who are wanted by authorities, with the assistance of Dashi and Malasi, "have committed systematic and continuous unlawful acts with the aim of laundering the proceeds gained from engaging in criminal activity by investing in immovable property in Albania."

The Special Prosecution further explains that their actions were aimed at "transferring property with the intent to hide its unlawful origin, hiding or covering ownership or rights relating to the property, knowing at the time of taking possession that this property is a product of a criminal act or criminal activity." Dashi appears to have played an essential role due to her functions in property registration offices.

Various assets belonging to this group have been placed under seizure, including 12 apartments in the city of Fier, 4 apartments and 3 garages in Tirana, along with 27 bank accounts, two vehicles, and a trading company. The Special Prosecution has announced that investigations continue to uncover additional assets or individuals who may be involved in this activity.
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