Samantha Gjeci, the student of Albanian origin with straight A's in a classical high school, says, 'I know how many sacrifices my parents have made for me.'"

Samanta Gjeci and the Classical High School she frequents
 Samanta Gjeci and the Classical High School she frequents
 Achieving a milestone is complicated, but confirming it at the same level a year later is even more so. And so, if possible, the academic achievement of Samantha Gjeci, a 17-year-old student from Treviso who has just completed the fourth year at the Canova Classical High School in Treviso, becomes even more valuable: for the second consecutive time, she has achieved straight A's on her report card, local media say.

No subject was excluded. As happened last June, her thoughts immediately turn to her family. "My parents support me, and they are very proud," Samantha explains. "Thirty years ago, my dad came to Italy from Albania. And I know very well the sacrifices he made for me."

Samantha Gjeci, the student of Albanian origin with straight A's in a classical high school, says, 'I know how many sacrifices my parents have made for me.'"


The 17-year-old is reciprocating their support, albeit if it were necessary, by doing her part in school. "I'm a perfectionist. Just that motivates me," she says. "It was more challenging to maintain these levels. I feel a bit of pressure, but in the end, I manage things without going overboard." She enjoys studying. It's undeniable. However, one should not imagine a girl always and only with her nose in books. On the contrary. "Studying represents an important part of my life. But not everything," she emphasizes. "I also make time for my passions: I like to read, go out with friends, meet my cousins and relatives, and so on." "I also have a good relationship with my classmates," she adds. "Sometimes we joke about me being a 'nerd,' but always with a smile. In recent years, the Covid emergency (especially in the first and second years) took away the opportunity to experience some moments together. Despite this, however, we have built important bonds."

After achieving straight A's on her report card at the end of the third year, this year she had the opportunity to essentially complete two years in one by immediately taking the final high school exam. This is an option available to those called "ottisti," which are students who have at least eight in all subjects. It was a path she considered. However, she decided differently.


"It was an opportunity. I thought about it, but I didn't want to overload myself," she confirms. Meanwhile, in 2022, she completed an internship in the construction sector at the Municipality of Treviso. "It was a positive experience," she says. "I established a good relationship with the staff and the other students." With a grade point average like hers, Samantha collected very few grades below 10 over the past year. But not everything is the same. "Although I attend a classical high school, I prefer the scientific subjects a bit more: mathematics and physics," she reveals. "But, in reality, I don't disdain Greek and Latin either." It's hard to have doubts about that. In the meantime, while waiting for her final year of high school and graduation, her university horizon is becoming clearer. "Some time ago, I was a bit more uncertain," Samantha Gjeci concludes. "Now, however, I am inclined to pursue a degree in the field of engineering.".
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