Special Court orders Sali Berisha not to leave Albania

 The Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime has left unchanged the measure "obligation to appear" against Sali Berisha.

This means that on the first and third Monday of every month, Berisha must appear at SPAK.

Part of the court decision, source: A2news
Also, Sali Berisha is ordered not to leave Albania without the authorization of the court and is prohibited from using his passport and other documents valid for going abroad.

"The court informed that with the chief secretary of this court, today, 26.10.2023, at 09.45, a request was filed by the citizen Sali Berisha, with the object of excluding the judge from judging this case. On this request, with the decision no. 430 Act, dated 26.10.2023 of the GJKKO, it was decided not to accept the request of the applicant Sali Berisha, with the object of excluding the judge Irena Gjoka, as not based on the evidence and the law. The appointed defenders mainly did not take over the realization of the defense and under these conditions, referring to the list of lawyers mainly, the court appointed av.Valentina Todoresku as a lawyer mainly, to whom she left the necessary time to familiarize herself with the documents of the request with the object of questioning of the citizen under investigation Sali Berisha", reads the decision.
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