Superproduction in the fields of Maliqi, 2200 hectares produced 68 thousand tons of potatoes

Auto harvesters picking potatoes in Fushë e Maliqi
 Auto harvesters picking potatoes in Fushë e Maliqi
 Potato harvesting has begun in the fields of Maliq. This is the potato that has yielded the highest performance in the last 5 years in the production field, and farmers express satisfaction with the price and the market, unlike what happened with wheat, corn, and oats, where they did not have the opportunity to profit. It seems that potatoes are their economic hope. The only thing they request from the state is subsidies.

"The production depends on the plot, but it goes up to 50 quintals, which is satisfactory. The price is very satisfying. The price is good, like this year, we have never sold before, we have built all this work with loans from banks, fuel, etc.," says Agron Guri to media, a farmer.

According to agriculture specialist Aurel Zenullari, the Maliq area produces a lot of potatoes, and subsidies are the key to the future of farmers.

"This year, the yield has been very satisfactory, ranging from 40-60 quintals per dynym, and the price is satisfactory, averaging 50 leks per kilogram. About 876 hectares of potatoes have been planted in the Maliq municipality. Mechanisms in favor of farmers need to be played, subsidies should continue, and there should be subsidies for agricultural machinery, storage, and everything related to agriculture," says Aurel Zenullari, an agriculture specialist.

The Korça region has planted approximately 2200 hectares of potato surface, producing about 68 thousand tons of potatoes, with the Maliq area alone accounting for more than half of this production.
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