The Albanian Government and Opposition are again divided on the resolution for Kosovo regarding the Serbian attack in Banjska

Albanian Parliament (archive)
 Albanian Parliament (archive)
 The Albanian Parliament is convening on Thursday in a session to approve a resolution in support of Kosovo and to condemn the armed attack in Banjska, where a police officer lost their life. However, both the ruling majority and the opposition can't find common ground, as they have proposed two different resolutions.

The ruling Socialist Party (PS) has drafted a resolution based on the government's stance, which labels the incident in Zvecan at the end of September as a terrorist act and calls for international condemnation of Serbia for observing a national mourning day for the criminals killed by Kosovo police, who were part of the attack.

Simultaneously, the PS demands an international investigation to hold the perpetrators accountable. Meanwhile, Gazment Bardhi seeks the approval of the resolution adopted by the Kosovo Assembly, stating that Albania should also adopt the same resolution to maintain a unified policy between the countries.

"The PS argues that Albania, as a NATO member, must be balanced and cannot speak in a completely one-sided way, as the Kosovo resolution suggests. So far, the key sentence that both the opposition and Bardhi's proposed resolution include, that Serbia organized this attack against the north of Kosovo, remains a divisive point," reported local media.

A conference of the parliamentary leaders is expected to address this issue, where the allocation of time for discussing the resolution will be determined, as well as who will speak on behalf of the Democratic Party (PD). Bardhi won't be able to attend the session tomorrow, as he and several other deputies have been suspended for 10 days for obstructing the parliament to prevent a vote by the deputies.
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