The Special Prosecutor's Office seizes the property of the husband of former minister Olta Xhaçka

Artan Gaçi and Olta Xhaçka
 Artan Gaçi and Olta Xhaçka (montage)
 The Special Prosecutor's Office (SPAK) seizes 5,500 square meters of land belonging to Artan Gaçi, the husband of former defense minister Olta Xhaçka.

The SPAK decision approved by the Special Court came after the lawsuit filed by Alfred Beleri through his lawyers, who claims that Gaçi has benefited from this area of land in the village of Dhërmi in Himara through forged documents by Jorgo Goro, the acting mayor of the Municipality of Himara, local media say.

These actions also brought the reaction of the opposition. Sali Berisha was asked about SPAK's action, where he stated that there cannot be a parallel between this lawsuit and the one that has put under investigation the leader of the re-establishment, accompanied by the words that Malltezi built on his property while Gaçi on public land.

Berisha's words served as a catalyst for Olta Xhacka herself to react on social networks, denying all the claims of the leader of the re-establishment.

"A branded pirate and slanderer like Sali Berisha cannot suggest to anyone morality. My husband has not received a single square meter of land from the state for his private investment and the preventive seizure of a part of the investment site for several weeks to investigate the origin of a private property since 1994 is part of a process that I neither doubt his intention nor comment on his merits. SPAK should do its job unhindered by anyone, while Sali Berisha should continue barking to draw attention to his pants falling down to the end", writes Xhaçka.
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