US Ambassador in Belgrade Christopher Hill is verbally attacked

 Ambassador Christopher Hill in Belgrade was verbally attacked by several women on the streets of Belgrade while walking with his wife.

Christopher Hill with his wife walking on the sidewalk in Belgrade while being verbally attacked
 Christopher Hill with his wife walking on the sidewalk in Belgrade while being verbally attacked, source: youtube video screenshot
As they insulted him with harsh words, the "protesters" filmed Ambassador Hill for 10 minutes, highlighting his role in 1999 when Serbia was bombed.

Hill was one of the American negotiators who had tried to find a peaceful solution for Kosovo and Serbia. However, Milosevic had rejected all offers, leading to the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Hill began his role as the U.S. Ambassador to Belgrade in March of the previous year. It seems that his reputation among Serbs is still associated with that of a "bomber" of Serbia.

"The Serbian people support Russia, the Serbian people do not support the Nazis in Ukraine." "You are free to walk on Serbian land while traitors are in power." "Kosovo and Metohija will forever be Serbian" - these were some of the words directed at the Ambassador, who occasionally checked his phone and, unperturbed, walked toward a museum.
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