With 101 votes in favor, the Assembly of Albania approves the joint resolution in support of Kosovo

The Assembly of Albania approves the joint resolution in support of the Kosovo
  The Assembly of Albania approves the joint resolution in support of the Kosovo
 With 101 votes in favor, the Assembly has approved the joint resolution in support of Kosovo.

Both main parties voted to support Kosovo's Resolution, emphasizing the need for an international investigation into Serbia's role in the attack in the north.

Meanwhile, the reason why the other members of the Assembly of Albania did not supported the Resolution of Kosovo is not known, given that there are a total of 120 deputies in Albania. It is emphasized that those who did not vote belong to all political wings in the country.

Kosovo's Resolution, endorsed by the Albanian Assembly

Committed to fighting and preventing, by constitutional and legal means, any action and attempt to undermine, endanger, or attack the constitutional order of the Republic of Kosovo;

The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo

STRONGLY CONDEMNS the organized terrorist attack by the Republic of Serbia on the Kosovo Police on September 24, 2023, and calls on the international community to confront Serbia regarding its role in organizing and supporting any kind of action taken by the terrorist group in the north of the Republic of Kosovo;

APPRECIATES the exceptional work, dedication, and extraordinary results of the security institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and the international security partner institutions (EULEX and KFOR) in the joint action to combat and eliminate the terrorist attacks organized by Serbia in the northern part of the country;

OFFERS full and unconditional support to the Kosovo Police in carrying out their responsibility to maintain public order and safety throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

CALLS on all institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to continue their joint work on the full integration and coexistence of all communities living in the Republic of Kosovo, without distinction;

ENCOURAGES and SUPPORTS political pluralism within the Serbian community in Kosovo, the development of which enables democratic progress and enhances transparency in financial accountability for this community and promotes its genuine interests in the Republic of Kosovo.

CALLS on the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to cooperate with international allies, particularly the United States, to strengthen the Rule of Law and shared Euro-Atlantic values;

NOTES the need for an international investigation into the Republic of Serbia concerning the organization of terrorist activities and the continued existence of training camps for terrorist groups within Serbia's territory.

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