"Albanian Dangerous Criminals will follow the Moldova-Albania match, the Prosecutor's Office is looking for them in the sky"

Artan Hoxha while in an "online" interview with the journalist Ylli Rakipi, source: screenshot.
Artan Hoxha while in an "online" interview with the journalist Ylli Rakipi, source: screenshot. 
 Investigative journalist Artan Hoxha, who went to Moldova to follow the challenge between the Moldovans and the Albanian national team, has revealed details about the "VIP" individuals sought by Albanian justice who have gone to watch the match.

Speaking on the show "Të pa Ekspozuarit" (The Unexposed) Hoxha emphasized that among the hundreds of Albanian fans who have come from all sides, there are also the "boys from Dubai" or the "London boys," as figures of crime who have found refuge in these places to avoid facing Albanian justice.

Artan Hoxha: I didn't think there would be so many, and a large part has come from EU countries, even Albanians without tickets. So far, it has been confirmed that there will be 700 Albanians in the stadium with 10 thousand seats, and these are the tickets that the Albanian Football Federation has had, but I believe there will be more than that. The way our team has come here, the known formation we will play with tomorrow, the situation looks optimistic. But Moldova has no losses except in Tirana, with Albania. Moldova has never been in this qualifying position. If it wins against Albania, it only needs a draw in the match with the Czech Republic. But in the city of Chisinau, I do not see any sign of optimism, as we experience it in Albania. Albanians who have come from Albania and EU countries are more noticeable. In fact, I have seen guys who have come from Dubai and those from London in circulation. It's not just Rama who is coming.

"A team of the Albanian Special Prosecutor's Office should be taken there (In Zimbru Stadium in Chișinău, Moldova)" says one of the guests laughing.
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