Ariona Hamzallari, the Albanian, reaches the final of The Voice of Belgium among 40,000 competitors

Ariona Hamzallari while singing at The Voice of Belgium
 Ariona Hamzallari while singing at The Voice of Belgium
 Ariona Hamzallari is the Albanian girl who is making all Albanians proud wherever they are. She has been selected among 4 competitors in "The Voice Kids Belgium" and has currently made it to the final among the top eight.

In a Skype interview, along with her mother Besjana Hasani, Ariona shared details to Albanian media from her beginnings in music to the emotions she feels for the grand finale of "The Voice Kids Belgium," which will be held on Friday.

Meanwhile, Ariona's mother expressed great happiness that her daughter's biggest dream is coming true, and for this, she will always stand by her.

"It was a music teacher who told me I had a voice, and that's where I started singing. And now I'm on 'The Voice Kids,' singing songs in French. I chose Laura's team, which turned around first. This Friday, we have the grand finale. I'm ready for the final, but I don't know if I will win or not. Participation is important for me," said Ariona.

"I cried before because I was a bit stressed about how things would go for Ariona, as she had a dream she wanted to make a reality. During this time, we have been there for Ariona, and the effort is rewarded. We want her to be a good girl and grounded. I hope her dreams come true further. Ariona is the only girl and has three brothers. We speak Albanian at home, regardless of spending many hours at school. They find Albanian a bit challenging, but Ariona writes Albanian very well, as it is her talent," said Ariona's mother.
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