"North Macedonia will have the first Albanian Prime Minister"

In front of the North Macedonian Assembly building
 In front of the North Macedonian Assembly building
North Macedonia is heading towards early parliamentary elections. There is still no date, but there is much talk in Skopje about the resignation of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski by January 26, to make way for the formation of a technical cabinet with an Albanian prime minister for the first time in history.

The Speaker of the Parliament, Talat Xhaferi, based on media reports, said that May 8 is being discussed. If this is officially confirmed, the parliamentary leader says Kovacevski must resign 70 days in advance, that is, in January. However, the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE has rejected the formation of a technical government with an Albanian prime minister. In response, the First Deputy Prime Minister, Artan Grubi, from the ranks of BDI, announced that history will be made.

"There will be an Albanian prime minister; the taboo must be broken, and we must prove that we are a society for everyone, that we are all part of a democratic country. We know who the first prime minister will be, but that will be announced by the chairman, Ali Ahmeti," said Artan Grubi, First Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia.

Meanwhile, pre-election preparations continue. Several Albanian opposition parties in North Macedonia will sign the alliance in the "European Union for Change" coalition. VMRO-DPMNE, on the other hand, is moving towards cooperation with the left-wing, prompting this reaction from the ruling SDSM.

"The left is a pro-Russian, anti-NATO, and anti-EU party that adores dictators like Enver Hoxha. The radical right, in love with the regime just like VMRO-DPMNE. These are the anti-European values of the coalition of VMRO-DPMNE and the Left, of Mickoski and Apasiev," said Bogdanka Kuzeska, spokesperson for SDSM.

Early parliamentary elections in North Macedonia may be announced due to the failure of constitutional changes that hinder the start of accession negotiations for EU membership.
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