Strong Winds and Heavy Rain Hits Albania and Montenegro

In Tirana in the area known as "Don Bosco"
 In Tirana in the area known as "Don Bosco"
Albania and Montenegro experienced a severe storm on Friday, causing floods and uprooting trees, with the situation expected to persist throughout the weekend.

In the Albanian capital, Tirana, the Lana River overflowed, flooding some ground-floor businesses and residences.

A 37-year-old police officer suffered head injuries when struck by a flying object propelled by strong winds.

Local authorities in Tirana urged citizens to exercise caution over the next 24 hours and restrict unnecessary movement until the weather calms down. Heavy rain caused mudslides, and the storm generated high waves, suspending the navigation of small vessels.

The strong winds uprooted trees in several cities and damaged vehicles parked alongside roads.

Tirana, Durres, Elbasan, Lezha, and Fushë-Kruja are considered high-risk areas, according to the Albanian Police.

The Albanian Institute of Geosciences stated that the rainfall will continue with intensity throughout the weekend, with improvement expected in the coming week.

Winds Exceeding 190km/h in Montenegro
Meanwhile, in Montenegro, a hurricane-force southerly wind accompanied by rain reached speeds of over 190 kilometers per hour.

Meteorologist Dushan Pavicevic told Radio Free Europe that the strongest winds were recorded in Niksic, located about 55 kilometers from the capital.

"There were winds with speeds exceeding 140km/h and wind gusts near 200km/h. There were also strong gusts in Podgorica. It is assumed there were even stronger winds, but we do not have measuring stations everywhere," he said.

In several cities, the wind uprooted trees, damaged roofs, and flooded the coast.

As reported by the portal "Vijesti," a sailing boat sank in Tivat. The waves were several meters high and overcame stone protective walls.

An overturned ship on the coast of Montenegro, after a powerful storm hit the country on November 3, 2023.
 An overturned ship on the coast of Montenegro, after a powerful storm hit the country on November 3, 2023.
Access to the old town of Kotor was inundated, and metal pontoons were installed. Due to flooded roads and fallen trees, movement in the settlements of Kotor, Dobrota, Risan, and Perast is challenging.

The Hydrometeorological Institute issued a red alarm in advance, while the Ministry of Internal Affairs warned citizens of potential hazards from the storms on the roads and coast.

We expect a weakening of the rainfall and winds in the evening hours, according to the Institute.

Air traffic was interrupted due to the storm. Some flights at the airports of Podgorica and Tivat have been canceled.
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