Violeta Berisha, the first Albanian woman mayor of Fairview in 129 years in the USA

Violeta Berisha taking oath
 Violeta Berisha taking oath
 Former member of the Fairview City Council, Albanian-American Violeta Berisha, is poised to make history as the first female mayor in 129 years to lead the municipality of Fairview, New Jersey. The town, with a population of 15,000 and an annual budget of $22 million, is a part of the local elections taking place in November.

Violeta Berisha, the first Albanian woman mayor of Fairview in 129 years in the USA
 Violeta Berisha, electorar banner
While there are no presidential, gubernatorial, or major mayoral races on the ballot, numerous local contests are being held across various districts and municipalities. These elections will determine new executives at the county level, including some members of the New York City Council, as well as municipal administrators and mayors in New Jersey, and legislators in Connecticut.

Berisha, who won the Democratic primary in June, secured the party's nomination to run for mayor in the general election on November 7th. According to exit polls, she is expected to officially announce her victory Tuesday night, as the Republican candidate has reportedly withdrawn from the race.

If confirmed, Violeta Berisha will be the first female mayor since the establishment of Fairview as a borough in 1894. The current mayor, Vincent A. Bellucci Jr., a Democrat, concluded his term on December 31, 2023, opening the way for new candidates.

Fairview, formed on December 19, 1894, emerged as a borough from parts of Ridgefield Township. The borough's picturesque location along the Hackensack River makes it stand out in Bergen County, and it was one of 26 municipalities formed during the "Boroughitis" phenomenon.

Violeta Berisha, originally from Puka, Albania, has been actively involved in politics for many years. In 2017, she first ran for office and won a seat on the Fairview City Council, representing a town with a small Albanian community of around 50 to 60 families.

Journalist Gjek Gjonleka, who covered Violeta Berisha's swearing-in ceremony in 2017 when she was elected to the Fairview City Council, participated in the event and interviewed Mrs. Berisha alongside Albanian Cultural Television.

In her recent inauguration ceremony as the Mayor of Fairview, New Jersey, Violeta Berisha showcased a dignified presence that instilled pride in her Albanian heritage. According to journalist Gjek Gjonleka, who attended the ceremony, Berisha emphasized her Albanian roots from Puka, underscoring that although born and raised in America, she grew up in a household where her Albanian parents spoke only Albanian.

Having a personal connection with the Berisha family, Gjonleka recalled that Violeta's father was born in Puka, escaping Albania during the era of communist rule due to political reasons. He was part of the wave of anti-communist Albanian families that opposed the communist regime established in Albania after World War II. Following their escape, the Berisha family initially settled in Kosovo, later becoming immigrants in Belgium, and finally arriving in the United States in 1980.

Discussing Violeta's family further, Gjonleka mentioned that her mother hailed from Malësia, specifically the Camaj clan. Her father, Mili Camaj, worked as a regular laborer in their hometown but unfortunately succumbed to an incurable illness. Despite this hardship, Violeta's mother persevered, working hard to raise and educate her children, eventually leading them to success.

Violeta Berisha, now elected for the second time to the Fairview City Council, is an inspiring success story of an Albanian woman in the diaspora, although Gjonleka highlighted that her family remains modest and less known in the Albanian community. In her inauguration speech, Berisha expressed gratitude for the support of her family and children, acknowledging their exceptional role in her journey.

During her speech, Violeta Berisha pledged to continue the good work accomplished during her previous term as a council member. She emphasized raising the standards of living for citizens in Fairview, focusing on healthcare, education, and overall community well-being.

Gjonleka noted that Berisha's speech resonated with the audience, receiving applause from attendees and even garnering the attention of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who followed her address attentively. Violeta Berisha's journey serves as a testament to the success of Albanian women in the diaspora, even though her family's humble background is less widely recognized in the Albanian community.
During the inauguration ceremony, Violeta Berisha, now the Mayor of Fairview, delivered a poignant speech that resonated with attendees, earning her applause from both the audience and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who attentively followed her address.

In her speech, Violeta Berisha reflected on her previous term as a council member, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to serve with honor and responsibility. She pledged to continue the positive work accomplished alongside the council over the years, focusing on elevating the standards of living for Fairview residents and enhancing services in healthcare, education, and community safety.

Violeta Berisha also took a moment to thank her mother and family, especially her outstanding children, acknowledging their unwavering support throughout her journey. Gjonleka's observations underscore the genuine and heartfelt nature of Violeta Berisha's inaugural speech, emphasizing her commitment to the welfare and progress of Fairview under her leadership.

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