Adam Maca in the final of the World Boxing Championship. The highest result in the history of Albanian boxing

Adem Maca after winning over Amanollah Sahak
 Adem Maca after winning over Amanollah Sahak
 Another success for the Albanian national boxer Adem Maca. This afternoon, he achieved his third consecutive victory, consequently reaching the final of the 16-year-old World Championship taking place in Armenia.

To reach this point, Maca was fortunate because, according to the draw, he qualified directly for the second round. In the latter, he faced Uzbekistan's Ibromihov Pahlovonjon and triumphed, advancing to the third round, where today he also won against Tsimur Siankevich.

Today, in the semi-final, he faced Afghanistan's Amanollah Sahak, against whom he triumphed with a clean score of 5-0, securing qualification for the final in the 57 kg category.

This final will take place on Sunday, and he will face Russian opponent Koszlov Platon. Certainly, against this opponent, our boxer will seek victory and the gold medal of this World Championship. However, securing the silver medal is an extraordinary success for Albanian boxing.

This is because, until now (Alban Beqiri won a bronze medal at the World Championship), no one had reached the silver medal, and for this reason, Adem Maca's progress makes this achievement historic. It is worth noting that the boxer with roots from Mirdita, born and raised in England, is accompanied in this World Championship by his coach, Shkodra-native Klaudio Çekini, who also deserves credit for this success.
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