Nikolas Bushi, Albanian Ventriloquist in the US

Nikolas Bushi and his puppet
 Nikolas Bushi and his puppet
 Ventriloquism is a little-known discipline in Albania, but in America, it is one of the most popular forms of artistic performances. A character and a puppet converse with each other, entertain, and engage in banter. It is their unique way of communication that sets ventriloquism apart from other forms of stage art.

The term comes from the Latin words "venter," meaning belly, and "loqui," meaning to speak.

Nikolas Bushi is the Albanian artist living in the USA who has chosen to become a ventriloquist. A lot of work, passion, and sacrifice have gone into achieving his dream: performing on the most famous stages worldwide.

Interviewed by Aleksandër Rena

Hello Nikolas and Chris, pleasure to have you in this interview as the most likable Albanian ventriloquist duo in the world! How does it feel to be a recognized ventriloquist with several awards? Has this influenced your daily life?

I feel very pleased and proud of what I have achieved, but I still have a lot of work to do to reach the level I want to be at to perform on the biggest stages in the world! Yes, it has influenced me; I am more focused on this not only as a passion but as a job, and I practice for several hours a day because it takes a lot of work to achieve the goals I have set for myself.

How was your talent discovered, and what were the main motivations toward this success?

I first saw ventriloquism on "America’s Got Talent" and liked it a lot. I expressed my desire to my parents and asked if they could buy me a puppet and books to study and learn about ventriloquism. Since then, I haven't stopped practicing for a single day. My family believed in me and has been my main motivation. They have helped me a lot and have stood by me throughout this journey, and I find the opportunity to thank them for the immense support I have found in them. I am very grateful that they believed in me.

What is your relationship with Chris, and do you like him more than other puppets?

Chris and I sometimes argue and reconcile; we can't be without each other! I have many other puppets that I use, but with Chris, I became more known from my early appearances. His character is very interesting and liked by the entire audience!

What are your goals for the future?

To conquer the world stages; that is the goal I have set for myself! I work, and I will continue to work as much as possible because it is not easy to perform on all the most famous stages worldwide. I want to be the best in ventriloquism; it's not easy, but with the desire, I will achieve it!

Another one of your talents is sports (soccer). Have you ever thought of giving up ventriloquism altogether and focusing only on soccer?

The talent for sports has never given me doubts about changing my career. I played with a team since the age of 6, and initially, I dreamed of becoming a soccer player. However, after discovering another talent of mine, ventriloquism, and practicing it every day, it is clear to me what my dream is leading me towards in my career.

After many years, will we continue to see Nikolas with Chris, or will there be new ones?

I don't know what will happen in a few years; maybe it's Chris who won't work with me anymore (laughs)!

But he is a character that I love a lot, and we have a very close and special bond together! We will have new things, but it's too early to talk about it; let's leave some surprises!

What is your relationship with your parents, are they part of your success?

Parents are my biggest support, always behind me throughout my ventriloquist journey! They have taught me and contributed to my career.

Chris is undoubtedly the most likable puppet you have ever had. Would you ever replace him with another puppet if a more advanced one came along?

No, I would never replace him because he has become a part of my history. The only change would be if I created a personalized Chris for myself that would be recognized as a puppet and my personal character.

Wishing you much success in your career as a ventriloquist and beyond, what would be your message to your supporters?

I am very fortunate that people follow and support me; I thank them very much for all the support. I hope that my live performances or wherever I appear positively impact their daily lives. Thank you very much, appreciation!
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