"The Ottoman Rule in Albania has not distorted the genetic makeup of the Albanian people"

Screenshot of Gjergj Bojaxhi while live on TV-Show
 Screenshot of Gjergj Bojaxhi while live on TV-Show
 Gjergj Bojaxhi, the co-director of the "Roots" project, is invited to "Pressing" on T7. This project is related to the DNA of Albanians.

Among other things, Bojaxhi has stated that the Ottoman period has not left genetic traces on Albanians.

Moreover, he has said that "the Turks in Prizren are Albanians," and he says the same about the Turks in North Macedonia.

Furthermore, he has stated that there are Albanians who have been Turkified, but this does not hold genetically.

"In Kosovo, those who consider themselves Turks are simply Albanian lineages from village areas. Also, in Macedonia, those who consider themselves Turkish lineages are Albanian lineages. 80% are Albanian lineages, 20% are Slavs Turkified. There are also Albanians who have taken on Turkish identity, but it is simply a cultural difference," he said.
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