Tirana Police arrest 15 drivers for traffic code violations

Traffic police in Tirana assessing the speed of cars with radar
 Traffic police in Tirana assessing the speed of cars with radar
 The Tirana Traffic Police have compiled the report for a week on punishing traffic rule violators. Thus, in 1 week, 15 individuals were either arrested or subjected to legal proceedings for traffic-related offenses.

In total, 9,405 administrative measures were issued, averaging 1,343 measures per day; 167 for tinted windows; 576 for exceeding speed limits; 140 for incorrect overtaking; 349 for using a mobile phone while driving; 312 for not wearing a seatbelt; 59 for not wearing a helmet; 243 for not giving priority to pedestrians; 15 for not respecting the "STOP" sign; 6,818 for incorrect parking; 726 measures for other violations.

44 administrative measures include a driving license suspension; 10 vehicles are impounded; 3 vehicles with foreign plates are flagged for verification; 5 for unpaid obligations; 2 for lack of documentation.
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