Albania Approves Social Security Agreement with Croatia

Flags of Croatia and Albania
 Flags of Croatia and Albania
Albania has successfully approved an agreement in the Commission on Health and Social Issues for the recognition of social security contributions between Albania and Croatia. This significant step is expected to benefit over 3,000 Albanian citizens living and working in Croatia, providing acknowledgment of contribution periods for pension purposes and beyond.

Expanding Bilateral Agreements:

Deputy Minister of Finance, Olta Manjani, announced that official discussions with Greece for the recognition of contributions between the two countries will commence soon. This move follows the completion of technical discussions between the social security authorities of Albania and Greece in Tirana since April 2023. The talks aimed to pave the way for recognizing the work years of Albanian emigrants in Greece, particularly regarding social security contributions.

Ongoing Negotiations with Italy:

Regarding the agreement with Italy, a country with a sizable Albanian community, Astrit Hado, the Director General of the Social Insurance Institute, highlighted that negotiations are still in progress. Once the agreement passes through parliamentary commissions, it will come into effect upon ratification during a plenary session in the Albanian Parliament.

Benefits for Emigrants:

The approval of the social security agreement with Croatia signifies a positive development for Albanian emigrants in the country. Recognition of contribution periods ensures that emigrants can benefit from their work years, not only for pension-related matters but also for other aspects of social security.

Upcoming Negotiations with Greece:

The forthcoming official discussions with Greece underscore Albania's commitment to extending social security cooperation. As these negotiations progress, it is anticipated that similar benefits will be secured for Albanian emigrants in Greece.


Albania's proactive approach to securing social security agreements with partner countries demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding the rights and welfare of its citizens abroad. As these agreements continue to evolve, they contribute to fostering stronger bilateral relations and ensuring that Albanian emigrants receive due recognition and support for their contributions in host countries. The ongoing negotiations and approvals signal a positive direction for the social security landscape for Albanian emigrants in various European nations.
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