Alleged Attempts to Influence: Albanian Government's Expenditure at Trump Hotel in Washington D.C.

 A recent report from the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the U.S. House of Representatives reveals that the Albanian government attempted to influence former President Trump by spending approximately $6,000 at his hotel in Washington D.C. between 2017 and 2020. The detailed breakdown of these expenses is part of a 156-page report titled "White House for Sale," prepared by Democratic members of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. The report labels such payments as an effort to exert influence on the former U.S. president.

Alleged Attempts to Influence: Albanian Government's Expenditure at Trump Hotel in Washington D.C.
Details of the Expenditure:

Using documents obtained through a legal battle with the 'Mazars' company, the report outlines the foreign officials' expenditures favoring businesses owned by President Trump, totaling $8.7 million USD. The report argues that President Trump's actions violated both the clear orders of the Constitution and the careful precedent established and respected by every previous president.

According to the report, between January and March 2018, advisors to Prime Minister Edi Rama, Dorjan Duçka, Endri Fuga, and Keisi Seferi each spent over $1,000 USD. Prime Minister Rama himself spent $1,158 USD during a visit in March 2018. Additionally, Damian Gjiknuri, then Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, spent $1,025 USD for a stay in June 2018.

Political Turmoil and Influence:

The timing of these expenditures aligns with a tumultuous period in Albanian politics following President Trump's election. At that time, the opposition Democratic Party of Albania, led by Lulzim Basha, launched a campaign echoing Trump's rhetoric ["Make Albania Great Again"], accusing the socialists, led by Edi Rama, of corruption and ties to organized crime. The 2017 elections in Albania were characterized by boycotts, protests, and allegations of vote manipulation.

The report suggests that the local political clash in Tirana extended to an effort beyond the ocean by both the Democratic Party (PD) and the Socialist Party (PS) to influence the Trump administration through lobbying.

Edi Rama's visit to Trump's hotel in Washington on March 3 and 4, 2018, is linked to a meeting with former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who faced federal charges for not disclosing his relationship with Rama and Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. McGonigal is also accused of receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash from Albanian-American businessman Agron Neza, linked to Rama's advisor Dorjan Duçka.

Allegations against McGonigal include passing potentially damaging information about Nicholas Muzin, an American lobbyist for Rama's main opponent, from Rama's office to other officials in the U.S.


The report sheds light on the complex dynamics involving international political figures, lobbying, and expenditures at Trump's hotel. It emphasizes the potential influence that political figures can exert through meetings and photo opportunities, underlining the value of such interactions for foreign politicians. The allegations and legal issues surrounding Charles McGonigal further highlight the intricacies of international politics and potential attempts to sway influential figures for political gain. The report provides an in-depth look at the interplay between Albanian politics and the Trump administration, raising questions about the ethical implications of such interactions.
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