From Immigrant Bartender to Royal Success: The Inspiring Journey of Sherif Nezaj

Sherif Nezaj presenting some cocktails at the bar
 Sherif Nezaj presenting some cocktails at the bar
 In the bustling streets of Magurë, Kosovo, Sherif Nezaj was born into a family with a remarkable story. His father, Uka, had escaped from Albania in 1948 and settled in Kosovo. Sherif spent his early years there until 1967 when his parents, along with their four children, embarked on a journey to Italy.

After six months of patiently awaiting the completion of necessary documents, the Nezaj family arrived in the United States in December 1967. This marked the beginning of Sherif's journey to success in the land of opportunities.

Early Years in the U.S.:

Sherif wasted no time in joining the workforce to support his family. His first job was as a dishwasher at "Dominick's" restaurant on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. His dedication and hard work quickly earned him promotions, and soon he became an assistant barista and eventually a full-time bartender.

Encounters with Icons:

Sherif's career in bartending led him to "Mamalone’s" in Manhattan, frequented by notable figures from the world of music, film, art, and sports. Here, he rubbed shoulders with legends like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, John Wayne, Omar Sharif, Muhammad Ali, and many others.

Sherif Nezaj at the beginning of his work as a bartender
Sherif Nezaj at the beginning of his work as a bartender 
Entrepreneurial Spirit:

After three years, Sherif, along with his brothers Abedin, Halil, and Gani, ventured into entrepreneurship and opened their first restaurant in Port Chester, New York, in 1974. This marked the beginning of a successful career in the restaurant business.

Meeting Jim Xhema:

During this time, Sherif had the opportunity to meet the distinguished Albanian businessman and activist, Jim Xhema, whom he greatly respected for his contributions to the Kosovo cause.

A Career of Excellence:

Sherif's journey as a bartender continued alongside his ventures. Over the years, he worked at renowned establishments like "Bruno," Wolfgang Steakhouse, Spark Steakhouse, and others. His skills as a bartender became so exceptional that he was always in high demand.

A Generous Gesture:

While working at "Bruno," a customer left him a $1,000 tip, an unheard-of amount at that time. The act caused a stir and earned Sherif a mention in the "NY Daily News."

Current Success:

Today, Sherif Nezaj is a co-owner of the acclaimed "Royal 35 Steakhouse" in Manhattan, a venture he started in collaboration with partners Adem Sinanaj, Sammy Gashi, and Alfred Çeta. The restaurant has consistently ranked as the number one spot on TripAdvisor for three consecutive years.

The Love for Bartending:

Despite his success as a restaurateur, Sherif has never abandoned his love for bartending. He expresses a unique pleasure in connecting with people and engaging in conversations with them.

A Grateful Heart:

Reflecting on his journey, Sherif expresses gratitude for the people he has met, especially highlighting his lifelong friend Sabit (John) Bitici. The bond they share transcends borders, having grown up and worked together in Kosovo, Italy, and America.

Sherif Nezaj in the middle, the others are clients
 Sherif Nezaj in the middle, the others are clients
Family Pride:

Sherif Nezaj, along with his wife Sofia, has built a beautiful family. They are proud parents to three children and delighted grandparents to seven grandchildren.


Sherif Nezaj's life story is a testament to hard work, perseverance, and the pursuit of one's dreams. From a humble beginning in Kosovo to owning a top-rated restaurant in Manhattan, Sherif's journey inspires us to embrace opportunities, celebrate connections, and cherish the value of family.
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