A Call for Justice: Representative Ocasio-Cortez Stands Against Impunity for Serbian Perpetrators

 In a special event attended by Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the representative of a district with a majority Albanian population, she made a fervent call to end impunity for Serbian perpetrators so that they may be held accountable under the law, citing her support as a co-sponsor of Resolution 36.

Ocasio-Cortez and Mark Gjonaj in a public speech (archive)
 Ocasio-Cortez and Mark Gjonaj in a public speech (archive)
The resolution aims to put an end to the unpunished sexual crimes committed by Serbs during the 1999 Kosovo War. It draws particular attention to the case of Vasfije Krasniqi Goodman, a survivor of wartime sexual violence and a US citizen, along with other survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

"On this sixty-fourth anniversary of Kosovo's Independence, I proudly affirm my support as a co-sponsor of Resolution 36, which seeks accountability for Serbian crimes in Kosovo. I am honored to present this resolution and will fight for its passage in both chambers," Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez stated.

"As a representative of a district with a significant Albanian community, I assure you that justice will be served for all members of our community. Beyond celebrating Independence Day, we must address the injustices that have occurred and continue to occur in Kosovo. Sexual assaults against innocent women and people, deaths, destructions, and the violence inflicted must be acknowledged. Over 25,000 women have been sexually assaulted, with only a few cases pursued legally. This is unacceptable. To use rape as a weapon of war is a war crime. Many young people suffered trauma; 15% of Kosovo War victims were under 18 years old. I wish to honor the lives of the three Bytyqi brothers—three American citizens with a bright future ahead, all killed but still denied justice for them and their family. The pain and trauma of this period cannot be forgotten. Even today, sixteen years later, provocations persist," she emphasized.

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's passionate appeal underscores the urgent need for accountability and justice in addressing the atrocities committed during the Kosovo War. Her advocacy serves as a beacon of hope for survivors and a reminder of the ongoing struggle for truth and reconciliation in Kosovo.
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